We're here in Lexington for the WKU vs. UK football game! Woo hoo! It's double the fun, because we get to see my Aunt Susanne who lives up here, and also my brother David and his girlfriend Bhavini! Plus, we get to watch football live (instead of on our couch), and in Commonwealth Stadium. The last time I was in Commonwealth Stadium was for the Bluegrass State Games back in the day. I'd like to give a shout out to my "Salty Dog" relay team--especially to Bhavini, because you're the only person who would ever possibly read this!
Anyway, we are having a great time already! Today, we're going to Joseph-Beth, the best bookstore in the whole world, and then to Ramsey's (my mouth is watering already--their corn is AMAZING!), and then to the game.
So, go Western!! We know you can do it! We've got the team! We've got the steam! For this is dear old Western's day!