Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Merry Christmas!

We wanted to show everyone what our house looked like this Christmas! This is a picture of our tree in the living room. I love this tree because it has all of our ornamnets that we've been given over the years. I love putting it up because we get to remember each person and circumstance as we put the ornament on the tree. It is a prelit one Aunt Susanne gave us last year. I used to think the prelit trees were kind of cop-outs, but after having one, I recommend it to everyone! It is awesome. Nobody likes putting lights on the tree, but yet they are extremely important. So you work for hours. This way, we just fluffed the branches, put on the ornaments (the fun part!), and voila! I love our tree. And I guess that's good, because we probably won't take it down until March.These are our window clingons. Byron loves these. So much, in fact, that he wanted more of them this year. He's so cute! And the cool thing is, he got them! Martha, a youth at our church, made her own window clings and gave us some---we put those on the bathroom cute! I will take a picture of those later!
This is the tree in the dining room. It is our houses/musical ornaments tree. You see, my Aunt Susanne started me on the Victorian House series of ornaments at Hallmark in 1985. I have a house for every year since then, plus all of the special anniversay ornaments that they've made. So we decided to display them all together. I love this tree! This year, Aunt Susanne, Mom, Byron, and I went to Hallmark after Christmas, and I saw this "world doorways" ornament. It was the second in the series. I thought it would be an awesome addition to the houses I have, because they all celebrate front doorway decorations in different countries around the world. So, Aunt Susanne started a new series for me! And she found the first doorway on ebay! So, now I have Germany and Mexico! I love the idea of these, because they're something I'll always have and I can pass them on to my children! Very cool. The first picture is at night, and the second picture is during the day so you can see it better.

This is our last tree. It's in our bedroom--it's the "I Love Lucy" tree. I love "I Love Lucy," and so everyone has given me different "I Love Lucy" ornaments throughout the years. I think they make a really cute tree. This is Byron's least favorite because it means he can't get to his side of the bed. He has to crawl into it from the foot of the bed, but I think that's a small price to pay for cuteness.
I really hope the New Year brings you great things and brings you closer to God. That's what I'm hoping for myself. I'm hoping to slow down enough to enjoy all the blessings around me--to spend more time with my family, friends, and my husband. To travel to places I love and places I've never been (this is one of our favorite things to do). And most importantly, to come to know and love God more every day, and to be faithful to Him as He has been to me. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone! I love you!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Pictures from Florida--finally!

Check out the waves! The first day we were there they were amazing!

Those of you who know me won't be surprised that the above picture features birds! They're just so cute! There's no telling how many bird shots I have!

Ah, Florida! The way life was meant to be!

Look at what the crazy waves washed up! No getting in the water today! We could also see big sting rays floating around in the water. This day was spent on the shore--we got to watch a beautiful sunset!

Grr! Byron is looking very manly.

Me laughing, because we are at our third Timeshare Seminar since we've been married. I think we have the word, "Sucker" written on our foreheads. Actually, I'm also laughing because we just signed Scott Turner up to receive phone calls from the timeshare place in order to score ourselves a travel candle. Sweet!

In case you haven't been to the whole timeshare extravaganza, one thing you should know is that, even if you keep saying, "no," at the end, you'll get free stuff! We got two $50 gift cards to restaurants--one of them being this one! YUMMY! It was right on the ocean! We also get to come back for a three night vacation later this year!
We even match and everything!
As you can see, we had about as much fun playing with our food as we did eating it! Can you guess whose meal is who's?

An absolutely perfect day at the beach! I read a book and napped in my fancy chair, and Byron worked on his Sudoku book. In between, we took swims in the Gulf Waters! They are so beautiful!

Here's our Big Red made out of white sand! We wish we had a red towel!! We'll only bore you with this one picture. I think we have like 30. Seriously. Big Red with Byron, Big Red with Susie, Big Red with Sea Gull, Big Red with little surfer dude....well, you get the idea.

Watching the sunset is one of my favorite things to do! Very romantic!

This is the other place we got the $50 gift card to--thank you Wyndham Resorts!

For dessert, they served make-your-own smores! This is a great idea. So fun and so yummy!
Getting ready for a moonlight stroll on the beach! We saw a heron and a sea turtle, but the pictures are too dark to show you!

Another beautiful day!

We went to lunch at a beach restaurant called the Back Porch--you could go in your swimsuit! Here's a picture of our chairs from the Back Porch!

On our way home, we stopped at one of the National Beaches--we saw lots of cool things. The neatest thing, though is what we didn't see (trash, etc.). It was a great ending to our trip!

You can hardly see it, but in this picture is a white (albino??) crab. So awesome. If you can't make it out, just know it's there. Trust us.

We had a great time! Next time, join us! :0)