Happy St. Patrick's Day! It's Brighton's first one, so we had to mark the event with an appropriate onesie! I love those things! :0) Unfortunately, we didn't get to go to church as planned to show it off....we had to show it off at the doctor's office instead. Brighton has a cold--his little nose sounds so pitiful! But he is such a good baby, you'd almost never know he was sick! Anyway, here are some pictures from the doctor's office--more to come later so you can see the full, adorable effect!
By the way, today he weighed in at 16 lbs, 7.7 oz!!!! I can't believe it! And look how long he is and how good he's holding himself up! He's growing too quick!!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Friday, March 12, 2010
3 Months and 3 Days!
Today marks Brighton's 3-month and 3-day mark! It is unbelievable to me that he is that old! He will be a year old before I know it! I'm trying very hard to cherish every moment--every milestone! He is the greatest--I love him SO MUCH!
To catch you up on some things from this past month of his life, he has really been growing! We added a teaspoon of rice cereal to his formula (6oz. every 4 hours) about a week ago--he is growing like a weed! And much happier since the rice cereal! He is consistently holding his head up 90 degrees when we put him on his belly (unless of course he is tired....which he lets us know!) He is starting to hold objects---his squeaky lamb is a favorite, as are his links, giraffe, little blue dog, and monkeys. He laughed for the first time on Monday night, Feb. 22 at 10:37pm! I was holding him in the rocking chair--it was so awesome to feel his little belly jiggle and to hear his little voice!! A couple of nights ago, he giggled a little after his bath when Byron tickled his palm with his brush and giggled tonight when playing on the floor. He also giggled once in his sleep tonight! I think we're soon in for some great belly laughs! I CAN'T WAIT!!! Brighton also sits up when we prop him up on the couch--he loves this! And the weather has been nice the past couple of days, so he has taken some of his first ventures outside! He leans back so he can look up at the trees and loves to look at his shadow.
Here are some pictures from the past month or so!
I just LOVE watching him sleep! And he wakes up in such a good mood--smiling and cooing and stretching! (He definitely takes after his Dad in that area!) It makes it so hard to leave him in the morning!
This was taken at Target--we've made several outings there--he loves the lights! I love this outfit, because you can see his beautiful blue eyes!
At Mariah's the day before Valentine's Day! We had just had our first family picture taken!
Holding a spoon--lemme at that spinach dip!!
Brighton's meal at Mariah's---formula again! :0)
In his crib, looking at his piano Nanny gave him--he loves to kick it and make it play music!
He's such a big boy!!!
"I wanna hold your hand...."
Brighton and Pam--he loves to flirt with the ladies (another trait from Dad!)
Brighton and Jennifer!
That game wore me out! Kentucky doesn't like to win games until the very end!
Brighton at his first basketball game--the boy's regional tournament at Diddle Arena--Franklin-Simpson Wildcats vs. Bowling Green Purples. We lost, but we had a GREAT time! Brighton LOVED it--so much to look at! He even followed the action on the court! He likes basketball on tv, too--maybe he'll be the athletic one in the family!
To catch you up on some things from this past month of his life, he has really been growing! We added a teaspoon of rice cereal to his formula (6oz. every 4 hours) about a week ago--he is growing like a weed! And much happier since the rice cereal! He is consistently holding his head up 90 degrees when we put him on his belly (unless of course he is tired....which he lets us know!) He is starting to hold objects---his squeaky lamb is a favorite, as are his links, giraffe, little blue dog, and monkeys. He laughed for the first time on Monday night, Feb. 22 at 10:37pm! I was holding him in the rocking chair--it was so awesome to feel his little belly jiggle and to hear his little voice!! A couple of nights ago, he giggled a little after his bath when Byron tickled his palm with his brush and giggled tonight when playing on the floor. He also giggled once in his sleep tonight! I think we're soon in for some great belly laughs! I CAN'T WAIT!!! Brighton also sits up when we prop him up on the couch--he loves this! And the weather has been nice the past couple of days, so he has taken some of his first ventures outside! He leans back so he can look up at the trees and loves to look at his shadow.
Here are some pictures from the past month or so!

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