Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Merry Christmas!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Pictures from Florida--finally!
Watching the sunset is one of my favorite things to do! Very romantic!
This is the other place we got the $50 gift card to--thank you Wyndham Resorts!
For dessert, they served make-your-own smores! This is a great idea. So fun and so yummy!
Getting ready for a moonlight stroll on the beach! We saw a heron and a sea turtle, but the pictures are too dark to show you!
Another beautiful day!
We went to lunch at a beach restaurant called the Back Porch--you could go in your swimsuit! Here's a picture of our chairs from the Back Porch!
On our way home, we stopped at one of the National Beaches--we saw lots of cool things. The neatest thing, though is what we didn't see (trash, etc.). It was a great ending to our trip!
We had a great time! Next time, join us! :0)
Friday, October 10, 2008
The Weather Channel
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Fall Break 2008, Baby!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Monday, September 15, 2008
That man of mine...

Saturday, August 2, 2008
The Beginning and The End...

The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet." ~Romans 16:19-20
It is finished! Praise the LORD!
Friday, July 25, 2008
A New Chapter....

(Psalm 75:9)
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Back from Baltimore!
Besides drumming like crazy, we also got to hang out in Baltimore. Baltimore is neat--it's like a southern city in the "north," though I guess they wouldn't consider themselves Yankees or anything. I love all the small, ecclectic restaurants (we visited Paper Moon for dinner and again for dessert, Arco's for Mexican and the best tortilla chips ever, the James Joyce where we and David's friends won trivia night!, John Steven, Ltd. for some amazing crab cakes, Pei Wei, and Camden Yards for some $1 hot dogs and a great game), the culture, and the beautiful harbor! It's Byron's new favorite city. And there is so much history there, which we both love (Federal Hill and Fort McHenry, for example).
Even though we were taking the workshop as a class, we treated it as a mini-vacation. It was fun just hanging out again with my husband and going on dates! We don't get to do that very often in seems like there's always something (i.e. laundry, grass to be mowed) to be done. I think that's why we love to travel so much. Not only do you get to see new things, but you also get to enjoy what is constant!
The trip also allowed us to stay with my Aunt Susanne in Lexington on our way up there and back! We had a great time there, also! And we ate good! Byron has been spoiled this week in that department.....hopefully he'll still eat the things I can make! We also got to go to my Aunt's church with our friends Maryann and Bryan! She goes to Southland Christian, and it is always wonderful to worship there. If you're ever in Lexington, GO! The message was on the first chapter of James--"Just Duet"--check it out on their website.
On another note, Byron has a job interview on Wednesday--we would really appreciate your prayers. We believe that we're starting to see part of the plan God has for our lives, and are very excited about the possibilities! God has been so incredibly faithful to us, even though we seem to lack in that area. We are so thankful and give Him all the praise for what He has done and what He is doing in our lives!
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Me and Dad!
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Even more NYC...

More NYC...

Friday, June 27, 2008
New York City Mission Trip 2008, Baby!