Sunday, July 6, 2008

Me and Dad!

This is me with my Dad on California's Hollywood Boulevard....he got a picture with two of his favorite gals :0). Most of you who will be reading this know that Dad is having some heart problems right now. The doctors have been wonderful, and so he is doing great right now. We are very thankful that God provided such great treatment and such quick responses! So, here's asking all of you to do what you do best--pray like crazy for a speedy recovery and that he will do all the things the doctors ask him to do after he gets home! He is as stubborn as I am, so.... :o) I love you, Daddy! Glad you're doing good!


Crystal said...

hi! we have a blog too! check us out!!!


Crystal (Gibson) Rumery

pjharriett said...

Great picture - Lucy! You look like your Dad.