Well, Byron and I are both officially Wildcats now. YAY! We found out yesterday that he is the new Choir/Arts & Humanities teacher at Franklin-Simpson High School! We have both been nervous and unsettled this week. I think it's because we both really wanted him to get this job. It's funny. Two years ago, we both decided to follow what God had placed in our hearts for a long time. Neither one of us really knew what lie ahead or what God had in store. But we decided to go anyway, knowing that He always gives enough light for the step we are on. That was an interesting leap. And, I try to hide it, but I hate change. I even hate good change simply for the fact that things won't be the same as I always knew. So it was a difficult thing for me to leave a place where I was comfortable and where I loved the people I was around. But it was the best thing we ever did. And, now God has paved the way for both of us to be back in Franklin. Our hearts were there already, as God has inclined them to care so much for the youth there. And, now we have the wonderful opportunity of teaching them and being involved in their lives in a positive way.
I have learned so much over the past two years. I have learned that I cannot control my circumstances--even though I still sometimes want to so badly. Along with not liking change, I am also a slight control freak. Anyway, it is good that I don't control my circumstances. God always does an infinitely better job with my circumstances than I ever could. He literally brings "wild honey from the rock" (Psalm 81:16). There were many lean months. There were days that we shouldn't have eaten. But we never went without. God always provided for all of our needs--whether it was through His people (we have a wonderful family, friends, and congregation), or out of the blue (random refund checks in the mail). Another thing I have learned is that God is faithful, even though we are not. There are times when we let busyness, studying, teaching, sleeping, or any other number of things distance us from the God who loves us too much to ever let us go. So, for this season of immense blessing, we give Him all the praise, all the glory, and all of our thanks!
"We will not hide these truths from our children;
we will tell the next generation
about the glorious deeds of the LORD,
about his power and his mighty wonders.
So each generation should set its hope anew on God,
not forgetting his glorious miracles
and obeying his commands."
(Psalm 78:4,7)
"But as for me, I will always proclaim what God has done;
I will sing praises to the God of Jacob."
(Psalm 75:9)
(Psalm 75:9)
I am so excited about what this new season will bring. My prayer is that I will keep learning how to be content with less. (Even though, to celebrate, I bought Mott's applesauce AND the baked Lays that I usually don't buy because they are too expensive). But, wouldn't it be great to be able to finally give to others as we have been given?! I am convicted by the attitudes of the early church, who sold everything they had and gave to everyone who had need. And I am heavy because I know the need is great. After spending a week in NYC, I saw the great need in our own country. Even during the time when we had the least, we had so much more than most of the world. And not just monetarily. We have hope that this world is not all there is. We have a heavenly Father who walks beside us during every season. I am convinced that the world must know Jesus is Lord, but the only way to begin to show His love is to provide for their physical needs first.
Selfishly, I still want a nice house that's neither mine nor Byron's....I want a home that we found together. I want to go to the grocery and not get only the generic items (even though most of the time, there is no difference). I want to travel, I want......The list goes on and on. I think some of this is okay. But I pray that I will never lose sight of those in need, and that I will always be generous--joyfully generous--to anyone that God places in our path.