Here's the two of us on Sunday, March 29. We're at the NCAA Men's Final Four Game in Indianapolis. We had no idea what we'd find out just a few short hours later!!!

That weekend, for some reason, I just felt like taking a pregnancy test. I had taken one a week or so before this (March 13ish) and it had come out negative. So, when we got home from Indianapolis, I went to the bathroom and took this test. When I looked at it, there was a faint pink line next to the dark pink line. So, I called for Byron to come there! We're were pretty giddy initially, but didn't want to jump to I sent him out for another test. I took that the next morning, and--same faint line! The next day, we bought a fancy smancy digital test. It's result was pretty clear: Pregnant. We were SOOOO excited!!!! God is so good!

Three postive tests!! What an awesome sight!!!

We called and got an appointment to have the blood work done--just to make sure before we told people the good news. And, on Monday, April 6, it was "medically confirmed!" My first prenatal appointment with Dr. Mody was on Thursday, April 9 at 11:00 (Spring Break was at the absolute perfect time!). On this day, more tests were run, and an initial due date for Baby Lucas was set for December 1!
We told our families the exciting news on Easter Sunday. We put M&M's in Easter eggs with a little slip of paper in each, saying "Happy Easter, Nana, Pa, Uncle, Aunt, Cousin, etc......Love, Little Lucas #1 (on my side) and Little Lucas #3 (on Byron's side). It was so fun to see each person realize what it meant in their own time! Best Easter we've had yet!
We had our second prenatal appointment on Friday, May 8 at 3:30pm. At this appointment, we got to hear the heartbeat!! It was the coolest thing I've ever heard. And it definitely made everything more real. What a neat sound--I had to control my giggling so we could hear it! Dr. Mody had the great idea of recording it---so here it is! It fluctuated anywhere from 172-192 beats per minute! Little Lucas is already going strong!!
We were also told that I could be anywhere from 10 weeks and 4 days to 12 weeks and 4 days pregnant. She'll know more once she sees the ultrasound. So my due date is probably closer to December 1, but could be as early as November 14!
And here's a picture of my belly before I really start showing. It feels a little different--especially when I roll over in the bed. I think I might be showing a little, and my Mom definitely does! So here's me at 11-13 weeks pregnant!!!
For purposes of the blog, we'll just say that I'm 11 weeks pregnant as of tomorrow. That way we can post about what the baby looks like, how big it is, etc. Here's a picture of what our baby should look like right now! I love the fact that you can know this stuff--so cool! And Little Lucas is about the size of a lime now--growing so big already!!

To end this way overdue's a few things I've been craving over the past several weeks. It's really been interesting--I've wanted very specific things from very specific restaurants....and I've found you cannot substitute. Substitution is not good. And, pretty much every other food besides the one I want--not good. It's crazy! Poor Byron. Anyway---here goes the list as far as I can remember---Banana Peppers (before I knew I was pregnant), Mom's chicken casserole (came to me during morning prayer at church---this was the first craving I really remember), O'Charley's Pecan Crusted Chicken Salad, Olive Garden Salad :), Fazoli's Bread Sticks, Captain D's Batter Dipped Fish (with lots of ketchup), Sausage biscuits from McD's, Egg Biscuits from McD's, Grapefruit, Thin Crust Sausage Pizza from Pizza Hut, Grilled Cheese with mustard, Cheese Sticks from Pizza Hut, Chocolate Ice Cream, Rafferty's Salad..... It's so funny. I haven't wanted sweets (except for the chocolate ice cream)--just starches. The thought of green beans make me sick, as does most vegetables. Fruits are great--especially strawberries, pineapples, apples (and the aforementioned grapefruit!). I've really just been eating whatever sounds good, taking my vitamins, and hoping for the best---good news is that I didn't gain any weight from my first dr visit to the second! I was a little worried...
Anyway, we'll try to keep this updated so everyone can see how far along we are! We love you all and can't wait to bring Little Lucas into the world to be loved by all of you!
hi susie!! i am so happy for you and byron! this is wonderful news, and I know you will be great parents! i hope things are going well at school / work and that you keep feeling great!! are you guys looking into daycare centers, or are one of you planning on quitting? i'm sure this is all new, i am just so interested! i love when god brings new life i the world!! congrats again!
Oh susie! i'm so glad i checked this! i've been wondering how you were doing. I am super excited!
We're coming to glasgow this weekend for a think we could sneak a visit with you and bryon and little one? we can come in right after work on friday? do you have an appointment? love ya
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