Here are our much overdue 2nd ultrasound pictures of
Brighton Matthew Lucas!
The first one is my favorite, because you can see his whole leg, foot, little fist, nose, and ribs! He is such a cutie, if I do say so myself! And does anybody else think his legs look super long? I haven't seen very many of these things, but they look long to me! Maybe a swimmer???? We'll see! :0)
This is the ultrasound where we found out he was a "he"! Except nowadays (probably because of people who sued hospitals and ultrasound techs--thanks, guys), they don't give out the pictures of the boy parts anymore! So I guess you'll just have to trust us until you see for yourself in about 3 months!!!

So, as soon as we found out, we decided it was time to register for our baby stuff! The first thing we did that day was to go with Mom (Nana to you, Brighton!) to Wal-Mart to get her Pack N' Play. She was super excited--and it looks super cute! We all pitched in to put it together when we got back to the house! Here's a picture of Nana with her Pack N' Play!
Then, Byron and I went to Target to start our registry there, and then down to Nashville to Babies R' Us to continue the festivities! At Babies R' Us, they were having a sale on all their Carter's clothes, so we went a little crazy and bought Brighton several outfits! They were just too cute to pass up!! And they look so adorable hanging in our closet on little baby hangers--it is happiness to peek in there every once in a while!
Here is the first one I picked out. This is the front:
And I loved that pattern so much, we got him a long-sleeve one, too. The little tag on the upper left says, "So happy." Again, you see why we had to have it.
Congratulations on this wonderful, life-changing journey you're on. (And Brighton is a very nice name.) Along those lines, I invite you to check out this video -- -- about one new mother’s “aha moment.” Hope you like it and that you’ll also check out the rest of the site, created by Mutual of Omaha to highlight inspirational stories, good works, and “aha moments” of all kinds.
All the best –
Brighton, Nana has loved you from the moment I knew you were coming..Nana can hardly wait to wrap you up and hold you in my arms.I still remember holding your mama for the first time .her little breath aganist my neck..I pray every day for you and I know God will bless us...He already has.I saw you kicking the othe night..I am practing songs to teach you ..Be a good boy for mama and daddy ..They are the best or one of the best have so many people waiting papa, Uncle Davidk, Aunt Susanne and Aung Betty Jo,.Nana is looking for you a stocking for Santa to fill thid year.I love you very much..Love ,Nana
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