Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Trip to Lexington

On our Spring Break, we took a trip to Lexington to visit Aunt Susanne, Uncle David, Aunt Bhavini, and Ann! We had a great time!

Here's Brighton and Aunt Susanne after supper one night--we had such beautiful weather!

Our happy, relaxed family! Ah! I love Spring Break!
Brighton and Aunt Bhavini looking at the pretty flowers!

Just chillin' in my car seat, guys!
Brighton looking at Uncle David--he is the best!

Here's some pictures we took at Ashland, the Henry Clay Estate--the flowers are awesome! And I think this is the first time Brighton ever laid in grass--he loved it!

Brighton at Aunt Susanne' talkin' to me?

This is Brighton at the kids' playplace in Fayette Mall--above, he's toppling over, and below, he's laughing about it!

Uncle David singing me to sleep!

Brighton and Aunt Susanne--have spoon, will eat!--at Ramsey's! YUM.

This is the night we first got there--we arrived around midnight and, as you can see, Brighton was wide-eyed and ready to roll. He's checking Jackson out!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Brighton, Nannie thinks you are the most beautiful baby in the world and I love you so much...Your little prints in the sand are precious, just like you..I hope you always are as full of life and happiness as you are now.. you bring such joy to every life you touchl..I know you have Nannie and Gramdaddy.Hurry home so I can get a great big hug..>love, Nannie