So, I'm a huge dork, but I love all things history. I'm the one who likes to stop at all the historic sites on long road trips, take millions of pictures, and then get the free brochure before I leave. I love Washington, D.C.--I could visit the Lincoln Memorial 200 times and still not be bored. It's just amazing to think about where we have been and to be hopeful about where we're going. So, even though I didn't vote for Barack Obama and even though I disagree with him on several issues, I was psyched about today. It is very rare that you get to live through something so huge in history and know it at the time. I am hopeful that our new President will be contagious. I am hopeful that all of our citizens of this great country will take this opportunity to start fresh and to start doing something good. We've done too much bad and been too indifferent and been too lazy. It takes everybody and it takes individuals. We all will have to sacrifice and we will all have to work and to care to make sure no one in the most prosperous nation in the world goes hungry or has to sleep outside. It's been unbelievable to watch how the country has embraced Barack Obama over the past year. There are even Obama bobble head dolls! There are 512 songs about Obama on iTunes. My hope is that we do more than just Amen his message of change. My hope is that we actually will. My prayer for him is that he never forget who put him in power. I pray that he will seek God and that God will grant him wisdom for the years ahead. I also pray for our country, that we would turn back to God--we've gotten scarily far away in the past 60-70 years. Interestingly, Obama's Inaugural speech was very biblically true. His words contained a lot of wisdom and I hope that's a good sign of things to come. And no one can deny that he is a fantastic speaker--he has the ability to inspire us to new dreams, which I pray he uses wisely and justly.
On a completely different note, Yo-Yo Ma played--no, threw down--at the Inaugural Ceremony. I can't imagine how cold his fingers must have been. It's amazing he could move them at all. I've always loved Yo-Yo Ma, but today he just shot up 200% in popularity points.
So, President Obama, I am behind you 100% as our new President. You are the man for at least the next four years and I'm in your corner. And, by the way, Michelle Obama was completely beautiful today--I'm hoping in her to do great things, too. Here's to a completely awesome day.
Very nice post Susie. Unlike the people who are pouting about their candidate losing (and really, it's frustrating to see the negativity on facebook), you're seeing the potential of what this new, fresh leader can mean to everyone. i'm proud you're my sister.
is david not the sweetest thing ever. ohhh. anyway..nice post. And yoyoma rocked it. lovely.
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